The Invincible Visa Man

This could well be the introduction for a super hero! With a sufficient measure of audacity and indomitable spirit, this is the story of Bharadwaj Dayala or BJ as he prefers to be called. He is nothing short of a hero for the riders in India and his story around the world promises the thrill of an action packed time. An account of his eighteen-month long ride around the world amassed ample fascination for the unassuming, highly engaging speaker at the Motorcycle Travellers Meet (MTM 2013). More than that, he left bikers with just one comforting message – anyone can do it
With roadblocks starting from a funding to sustain for over a year, the bike and its customization, severe opposition from friends & family, custom officials and the most daunting of all, the task of getting timely visas, the problems were plenty. But the solution was simple – being patient, being persistent. From having an absolutely blank passport to one that was plastered in visas from all over the world, Bharadwaj’s anecdotal stories of how to muscle out a visa from the immigration officers were truly riveting and funny.
So in came a mountain of things to unearth and then the journey was launched on his 260 kgs of bike and equipment. It launched with a sense of calmness that BJ finds hard to articulate. 50-60 bikers followed him along the smooth beachfront road along the Bay of Bengal in Vishakhapatnam; he heard nothing! Despite people cheering him on along the route, his head was filled with silence. Until reality struck and there was no turning back!
He started the journey from Tehran on international soil. From Iran, he rode into Turkey, then Syria, Jordon, across the Red Sea into Egypt, retraced his way back into these countries to enter Greece. Once having entered UK, he made his way through Canada and explored a large part of the country and entered the US from Winnipeg. He then cut across the country from East to West, and decided to ship his bike to Australia from LA. While the bike sailed to Australia, he found time to touch the Artic circle. Once he landed in Australia, it was time to explore the land of the Roos and then ride into Indonesia and into Bangladesh. From here, he entered back into India from the eastern border of the country. The mammoth journey took 18 months and 47000 kms.

The message that the Invincible Visa Man left us with is Inspire yourself – you don’t need divine intervention to make things happen! Just sheer willpower and the resolve to do something. Sounds crazy? So be it